Neutering/spaying your dog
Updates Wednesday, March 20, 2019
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Dogs Victoria recognises there benefits to spaying or neutering dogs that are not part of a responsible breeding program, or that are not being shown, and where an owner has been informed of and considered the benefits versus risks of the procedure.
Dogs Victoria believes that these important decisions should be made on an individual basis by the owner of the dog, in conjunction with his or her breeder and veterinarian, where the convenience and advantages of neutering dogs is weighed against the possible risks associated with neutering.
The decision of when and whether to spay or neuter a dog is not one to be taken lightly. There are many important factors to consider, especially when it comes to the long-term health of the dog.
Therefore Dogs Victoria opposes mandatory spay / neuter legislation.
Dogs Victoria’s position is consistent with the ANKC’s opposition to mandatory spay/neuter approaches, and
takes into account published and peer reviewed scientific studies. These find that desexing a dog, particularly
before it has fully matured, can lead to significant long-term health impacts, including cancer (such as
osteosarcoma, mast cell cancer, hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, and lymphosarcoma), hip dysplasia, ligament
damage, patellar luxation, incontinence, cognitive decline, fear and/or aggression and other behavioural issues, and even a shorter lifespan.
Mandatory spay / neuter legislation targets all dog owners, regardless of their level of responsibility or the behaviour of their dogs. By legislatively mandating surgical procedures without consideration of the individual dog and its circumstances, the approach obviates a veterinarian’s professional case-by-case judgement. This is in direct conflict with professional standards of care required of veterinarians. Routine neutering, especially in the case of non-free-ranging companion animals, raises significant ethical questions, and from some ethical perspectives, looks highly problematic.
Shelter Population
Mandatory spay / neuter legislation is usually promoted as a solution for animal control. Proponents advocate that mandatory spay / neuter legislation will reduce the number of animals at shelters.
Mandatory spay / neuter legislation has not proven effective in reducing the number of unwanted animals or shelter populations. Moreover, research indicates that the majority of unwanted dogs in the United States (where similar legislation has been considered) come as a consequence of owners who are unable or unwilling to train, socialise, and care for their dog. 20/3/19, 20=30 Page 1 of 5
Contact Details
Janis ThomsonNear Casterton, VIC, Australia
Phone : +61400843936
Email : [email protected]